North Twin Lakes has always been known as a hidden gem. Our reputation of providing the students with the best educational experience is known throughout the community. This small community is of low-income families that work hard to provide the best for their children. With the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, some of the parents have not been able to afford the exposure to educational resources to keep their students on track.
With the reopening of schools all teachers at North Twin Lakes came back with a renewed devotion toward giving our students the best instruction. Although some of the students have some learning loss, NTL teachers are doing their best to promote success in their classroom.
Seguros de Avanza is familiar with our teachers’ determination toward excellence. They partnered with Ms. Doret, a 2nd grade teacher at NTL, to create a “Cozy Reading Corner” in her classroom. The dynamics of the student in her class are similar to others. In her classroom she noticed that because of the learning loss, the students had very little interest in reading. She wanted “a cozy corner” to create an environment to motivate students to want to go there and practice reading. In turn this would help them to develop a love for reading.
Seguros de Avanza believed in Ms. Doret’s vision and decided fund the whole project to make it possible. This is not surprising because this company is known for doing their best to help people in the community. Seguros Avanza helps you insure properties that are valuable to you. Whether you are looking to insure your car, business, or liabilities they are there to help. We look forward to continuing to work with this this company because share the same core value toward the community.